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1.   Adams、Bradley、Cole、Kronshage、 Slitchter、 Sullivan Tripp

  1. 擁有湖取的好與壞處,反正這幾間緊鄰的宿舍是分不出來差別的。

2.   Dejope

  1. 綽號Hotel Dejope,因為感覺像旅館。

  2. 有Fourlakes Market,湖區最大的學生餐廳。

  3. 就在Natatorium旁邊,還有超大足球場跟室外網球、沙灘排球場。

3.   Leopold:就在Dejope旁邊,也是偏豪華的宿舍。

4.   Phillips:一個從沒有人見過的隱藏版神秘宿舍,傳說它在湖區最深處,有獨立衛浴,但是不建議為了這個住到這麼偏遠的地方。

5.   Waters

  1. 享受湖區風光、夜晚的寧靜同時又座落於校園最高處和中心地帶,靠近數學、社會學、設計、經濟、物理等系教室。

  2. 有麗茲市場 (Liz Market) 和相對大的房間和公浴,還有很多讀書間、電腦房、鋼琴房。


1.   Barnard:學校最老的宿舍,在Chadbourne旁邊

2.   Chadbourne

  1. 受歡迎但房間相對小,座落在校園正正正中央(冬天上課非常方便不用擠/等公車),對面是商學院和音樂系

  2. 有Rheta's Market) 和每層樓都有的廚房

  3. 國際生的前幾名宿舍。

3.   Davis、Merit:通常是高年級生住的

4.   Ogg:

  1. 有健身房、很大的房間和衣櫥、電腦房、空教室、CCAS,還有娛樂場所在地下室(撞球、桌球、舒服椅子和電視等)。

  2. 每層樓都有廚房,廁所是四間房共用,其他宿舍幾乎都是整層樓共用

1.   Sellery

  1. 24小時派對宿舍,非常歡樂,房間小,聽說地下室有藝術工作室。

  2. 有室外籃球場。

5.   Smith

  1. 很多學生運動員住的地方,有最大的房間,還有分單、雙、三人房。

  2. 東南區離校舍最遠的宿舍。

6.   Witte

  1. 本校最有名的24小時派對宿舍。

  2. 可能假日會有嘔吐物,但是是認識人交朋友的好地方。

  3. 剛改建完,有許多全新的設施!

Residence Halls – Lakeshore

  1. Adams, Bradley, Cole, Kronshage, Slitchter, Sullivan, Tripp:

    1. Got the pros and cons of living in Lakeshore

    2. You can't really tell the difference between these halls

  2. Dejope:

    1. Nicknamed Hotel Dejope, because it looks like a hotel

    2. I heard the rooms are big

    3. Has Fourlakes Market (dining hall)

    4. Very, very, very close to the Natatorium

    5. Has a soccer field, also very close to outdoor tennis and sand volleyball courts

  3. Leopold:

    1. Right by Dejope, also a fancy dorm

  4. Phillips:

    1. A mystical, hidden dorm in Lakeshore, far away from everything, it's the Smith of Lakeshore but without student athletes

    2. The only dorm on campus with a bathroom in EVERY room.

  5. Waters: 

    1. Lake view says it all

    2. Sits in the heart of campus and by the lake, and it's closest to where the UW vibes are than all the other Lakeshore dorms

    3. Has some of the bigger rooms (carpeted) and larger bathrooms on campus

    4. Has a computer lab, several study rooms and study areas with TVs, piano room (Steinway & Sons), kitchen, and laundry room

    5. Has the cozy Liz Market (dining hall) so you can stay indoor 365 days a year

    6. Sits on top of a drumlin, the highest dorm of all, because it's also superior to other dorms

    7. In close proximity to Bus 80 and Bus 81 stops

    8. Very quiet and safe at night


Residence Halls – Southeast

  1. Barnard:

    1. Oldest dorm on campus,

  2. Chadbourne:

    1. Popular dorm

    2. Has Rheta's Market (dining hall => makes you fat)

    3. Small rooms (very, very small, but you will realize that is not true when you are moving out)

    4. kitchen on every floor

    5. Sits in the heart of campus (if you still wanna go to school in winter, live in Chad)

    6. Lots of international students, lots of events, lots of free food

    7. From former Witte resident Katie L.: "Chad is da best"

  3. Davis: not for freshmen

  4. Merit: not for freshmen

  5. Ogg:

    1. The gym is right downstairs (believe me, you won't go even if you live in Ogg)

    2. The room is huge. You have a walk-in closet

    3. The bathrooms are less like a pool shower room, more homey and classy

    4. It's carpeted

    5. There's a pool table, ping-pong table, and piano in the basement. Plus, a bunch of comfy chairs and a tv if you want to chill with friends

    6. There's a Technology learning center, few empty classrooms, and the CCAS is open from 12-4 each day

    7. Everything is super freaking convenient and comfortable

    8. you share the bathroom with three other rooms, not the entire floor

  6. Sellery:

    1. Party dorm 24/7, if you like having vomit and alcohol in your hallway, Sellery would be your first choice

    2. Smaller rooms

    3. Better chance of knowing where parties are if you need hangovers to escape reality

    4. Has art studios in the basement, but I've never actually heard anyone using it

    5. Outdoor basketball courts that's pretty good when the weather's nice

  7. Smith:

    1. Where the student athletes live

    2. Biggest room on campus, Hotel-like

    3. Offer single, double, and triple

    4. Southeast but kind of off-campus

    5. Hard to get in, kind of

    6. Expensive

  8. Witte:​

    1. Same set up as Sellery but without the studio

    2. Party dorm 24/7, meaning it's an ambulance station, too

    3. Just underwent construction, so it has a a lot of brand new facilities!

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